0101 Dancer in the Dark 在黑暗中漫舞
  不要問我為什麼看這種片子跨年....就剛好租了很久一直沒心情看而已。結果果然還是看不太下去= ='' 嗯....雖然還是看完了,可是什麼也不想多說。還是覺得有點太隔閡吧,對於這樣的劇情。所以沒有太大的被打動。

0103 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  其實是很奇異的一部電影....說實話在觀影時有感覺故事有些拖沓,但卻不會令人感到厭煩。或許是因為遇到七次閃電的人生太令人發噱了(誤超大) 總之....對這個年代的世界總是感覺有種說不出來的熟悉與喜愛,在看的時候一直有種神奇的熟悉感....或許也因為紐奧良的場景跟Savannah感覺十分相近吧。還有,在觀影時就覺得攝影真是棒....出來才知道原來這部片拿下金球獎的最佳攝影!嗯哼哼不錯,再接再厲把眼睛磨利一點吧!  最後,凱特布蘭琪會不會是這個世紀最好的演員之一呢?她實在太會挑片了....

0107 The Visitors 當幸福來訪時
  很好看的電影....一直對這種描寫小人物的不怎麼樣的生活的電影感覺很喜歡。這部片提到的移民問題,美國政府的官僚作風,在身為外國人的自己眼中看來,真的令人相當有感觸。演員跟音樂也相當相當棒,真是個好帥的老頭啊!!(這根本不是重點....) 總之,大推!!!!

???? Slumdog Millionaire
  I was not so happy when seeing it won most of the Academy Awards, but finally feel it is worthy for them after watched it. It is just a very special movie... with nice story and great tempo. It did all the hard works beautifully, and that's probably why it is the biggest winner this year. Personally, I like this film.

???? Coraline
  I always feel stop motion animation is one of the most sincerely made animations. That's not to say 3D animations are made with any less effort, just because personally I would probably rather being killed than make one stop motion animation. Just don't have that much patient to fight with clays. It's pretty simple, some settings are way huger than you can image, such as the blooming garden and dancing circus rates. I can hardly believe that it is done by stop motion mostly. Like it, but not really love to death. Maybe it's because the story? But I think Laika did a terrific job.

0314 Mall Cop
  The first movie Mr. L and I watch together, ha ha. It's a cute little film, I like how it be a hero type movie, but still has the main character as a normal person... in general. Can definitely make you happy for a night!

0315 有頂天大飯店 (THE 有頂天ホテル)
  It's not funny at all.... actually, when seeing the manager trying hardly to lie to his ex-wife, I was feeling very bad. It's about many's troublesome imperfect lives. I a kind like this thought, but somehow feel it's a bit hard to watch without burden. I like the way the director uses the camera. There are many shots are totally without any cut! Pretty magnificent.

0322 Detroit Metal City
  Well, quite a disappointment. It has a lot funny contents from the comic, but overall the rhythm is horrible so I can hardly laugh at anything. Its comic and animation are way better than the movie.

0328 Body Double
  A weird but surprisingly movie.(at least, the ending was not too bad~) I thought I was watching a weird R movie with a lot sexual related parts, nevertheless, when seeing the last 20 minutes of it, I realized why they like it. It has a very good twist.

0329 Watchman
  Much more complicate than she thought. She likes it, but it's hard to say anything about it. The director and script writer definitely did a great job there. It's not too much fighting, but all tensions and conflicts are there, with good rhythm. A not typical at all super hero movie.

0329 Con Air
  Well, good for watch when eating, ha ha. I think I prefer The Rock more than it, that's all.

0405 Vertigo
  My first ever Hitchcock film! It's truly good... is it usual for directors that time to use men haunted by their own illusions of ideal women as a topic?

0412 Davdes
Yes I watched it again with him XD Well I enjoyed it anyway.... but not as impressed and distracted by the environment as the first time, had more time paying attention on story and actresses. Which is good for me.

0418 Knowing
Don't quite know what to talk about... because it's going down and down for the whole movie. The down here means story/situation, not quality. Just felt depressed somehow after watching it.

0426 Sunshine Cleaning
A warm-hearted movie, which is very much like Little Miss Sunshine but easier for the audience. I like it, but nothing too much to say.

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